The Pilot
The Education Equity Alliance's Theory of Change has been developed over 100+ individual consultations with a cross-section of key stakeholders.
The Amplifying Student and Teacher Voices to Address Educational Equity Pilot ('The Pilot'), which ran over April/May 2023, was designed with support from Reos Partners to test the first inputs and outputs of this Theory of Change.
The Key Activities, Outcomes, and the full Pilot Report are set out below.
Hold Equity Workshops
April-May 2023
50 students, teachers, and school leaders.
Build collective understanding of key data/research on equity.​
Explore individual experiences of inequity (looks like, feels like).
Explore individual perspectives on achieving equity (looks like, feels like).
Host Equity Social Lab
May 2023
Facilitated by Reos Partners.
Cross-section of 30 students, teachers, school leaders, and key stakeholders.
Convening question:
How can we together create the conditions in classrooms to bring inequity unstuck?
To collectively identify:​
Root causes,
Leverage points, and
Opportunities for collaboration and action.
Amplify Voices
Sharing the Social Lab outcomes with key stakeholders as well as student and teacher communities.
Gather additional responses and feedback.
Determine opportunities for additional workshops and Social Labs to:
Engage a wider cross-section of students and teachers.​
Dig deeper into specific outcomes.
New insights into the current reality of education inequity.
An emerging system map that makes explicit some of the structures and mental models underpinning the inequity as well as possible leverage points.
A high-level of engagement across stakeholders with significant appetite - and demand - for ongoing dialogue and collaboration.
An emerging suite of innovations that act upon the leverage points for system change.
Some emerging insights...
Pilot Report
A summary of the Pilot's activities and outcomes, along with the next steps for the Alliance can be downloaded here.